Tuesday, October 4, 2011

I m divine

Poem of the times when I forgot who I am, when I was unaware of my own form, and when it appeared to me in flesh, this is how I speak to him...
Dedicated to the lord inside, the personal divine..and his presence..

With flame in the eyes,
who art thou? No! U are not me!
You are just an illusion, 
A distorted image of reality.
And I..I am not so blessed,
What m I but a wandering monk,
ambling in search of eternity!

Thou art my image 
in the running water,
wherein sun burns in flames,
thou art the funny carnival mirror,
where giants appear midgets,
Is it your laughter at me, 
at what I really am?
or art thou a reflection of thy own grace?

It's good time, that I saw you,
your presence appears joyous,
With time I had lost all laughter,
your frame, your appearance is pious
maybe its me who had called you,
maybe you are my eternal love!
Or have you come to me on your own?
without the worldly glove.

I have traveled the world for serenity, 
I have trusted the nature's peace,
I regret doing the crime,
Its me who should cease,
with Life and eternity within me, 
The flames burn in my own eyes,
The lord, my god of eternity, 
builds immaculate accord inside.

I gather..

There is no outer to this inner world,
it's the reflection of my own soul
be it the running water, or the carnival mirror
my nature shall behold,
With flame in my eyes, 
and a bright smile of my face,
I see thou, in me, without this worldly race,
thou art my destination, thou are my lead,
thou art the perfumed fountain, 
where my journey has ceased.

Poem Definition: 27 Sept 2011

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